Friday, January 09, 2009


Not an exciting post, but just in case you care to know...

I am having no luck on the job market. I just found out I wasn't even shortlisted at a school that I had high hopes for (I interviewed with them at ASA. It was a good interview. The position fit me really, really well. They encouraged me to apply.). Argh. So, I may just be unemployed next year (and we may just possibly end up back in DC but who knows???) - though Eli will certainly keep me busy, busy, busy.

Speaking of Eli...the poor kid is sick. I think it's just a bad cold, but he has a little bit of a fever. We're going to the doc in an hour or so. Josh is also starting to come down with something, and I can't begin to imagine how I'll avoid it. Eli has basically been covered in snot for 48 hours. And that means I'm covered in snot. This morning he actually took his hand, which had been in his mouth (which, of course, is directly under his nose and therefore covered in snot), and stuck it in my mouth and grabbed my teeth. Then he coughed directly into my open mouth. I will be very impressed with my immune system - especially since it's running on 9 months without sleeping through the night (okay, add an additional few months to that for the last trimester of pregnancy but subtract the one glorious month in which Eli did sleep through the night). Last night, of course, was particularly bad. I can't even begin to count how many times he got up. It was basically constant. We are waiting for him to be well again before we institute some changes that will hopefully result in better sleep for us all. And, yes, after 9 months, those changes are going to involve some crying. I really hate for it to come to that, but I am obsessed with sleep and a super-duper cranky-pants, an that's not good for anyone.

Nap cut short with a scream so no time for a picture!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh no! I wish there was something I could do to help. I was just back in Madison talking to Ang & others and it sounds like only 3 people from UW got jobs. Shameful. JJ

12:13 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

hey carey. just checking in on your blog and wanted to join you in a collective sigh about not sleeping for nine months. I'm with you sister. Kiri will be 9 months on the 18th, and I haven't had one full night of sleep yet. She is pretty consistent however - up twice a night. We are on vaca now, but will be doing some "sleep training" when we return. Bring on the crying! Ann Meier

8:44 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the market is super bad this year. i'm glad you have Mr. Eli to keep you smiling (when you're not yawning, that is!)

8:21 PM  

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