Wednesday, November 05, 2008

Not motivated at all

Where does one find the motivation to keep working on one's diss when no one will give her comments? Here's the situation: I gave my committee a full draft of my diss 2 weeks ago, according to the schedule I devised with G. I expected to have some comments, at least from somebody, on Monday. I got nothing. Now I have two weeks to revise before turning the final draft over to my committee. And, I gotta tell you, I do not care to do any more work on it. I fixed up the appendix tables that were messed and now...I just don't care. I feel like I could do a bunch of stuff, and then they'll have comments and stuff I have to change anyway at the defense. Maybe if I work on it more now, I'll actually preemptively fix some of that stuff up, but then again, maybe not. Also, I've got this kid, see, who wants a lot of attention. And I want to give it to him. What would you do?

(I had to show you that pic from Rosh Hashanah. Totally irrelevant, but, come on, he's wearing a sweater vest!)


Blogger Rachel Moir said...

Oh my gosh, he looks so adorable! I can't believe he's not even 8 months old yet in this picture. He looks like he's ready to start school with that sweater vest. What a cutie pie Eli is! (and sorry about your lack of diss comments)

9:58 PM  
Blogger Gwen said...

You find motivation b/c you want to be done b/c you're gonna get way more job interviews! Don't do TOO much, but if there are things you're pretty sure they'll want fixed, try to make yourself fix them. You're so close!

(Note: This is my advice to you. It's not what I'd actually do. I wouldn't fix a THING unless forced to. But I'm very lazy.)

9:55 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

baby Eli looks like his heading off to the office in the pic :)

9:38 PM  

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