Monday, September 15, 2008

I have been ignoring you. I am sorry.

Things have been completely nutty since our move. First, of course, was the move itself. Then was the breast infection. And, as an aside, let me say that I am going to try my darndest to avoid antibiotic use while breastfeeding from here on out b/c I totally think it dried me up. But now that I am done with the antibiotic, it is as if my body is overcompensating and I am a fountain of milk. Literally. All day long. Night time is worst/best (depending on your p.o.v.).

Along with all of this and various visitors/travels of our own, Eli is having a health issue again. He had more blood in his poo. This is complicated by the fact that the old ped hasn't sent us his records yet (even though I requested them over a month ago! - I was told they are going out in the mail today...we shall see) and we have been kind of insurance-less for a week or so (though we could get COBRA, it just costs $1300, so it's probably cheaper just to pay for the ped visit rather than get it). Anyway, we have another appt today (and the insurance is in effect now). It's a blood test to check for anemia. I've only noticed blood in the poo twice on Wed, but they want to make sure it hasn't been happening more often leading to anemia. And now we have an appt with a GI specialist in a couple of weeks as well. So far, I don't think they know what the deal is. The last ped said it was intestinal bleeding. This doc doesn't think that's the case b/c the blood is black. It's more indicative of an ulcer, but he's on Prevacid for reflux, so that should be preventing ulcers. Lovely! So, hopefully we figure it out soon/there is no more black poo ever again.

In other news, he still can't roll over, but he is officially teething. He is Mr. Crabby Patty about the whole thing, so it's hard to tell if he's sad about black poo or tooth owies. I think it's the tooth, actually. (The bib is for teething-induced drooling and chewing.)

Off to the doctor...but first, here's us in front of our new place!


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