Monday, May 18, 2009


Eli pooped in the bathtub (and on the way out of the bathtub/on the towel) tonight. I kept imagining that was coming eventually, but after 13 months, I was sort of hoping we had escaped it.

In other news, I did the graduation thing this past weekend...I am Dr. F in every form possible. Of course, hearing all of the incredible things the other soc grads did/jobs they got made me feel very depressed about the whole thing. At least I am nice, fun, and good at karaoke, I guess.


Blogger dab said...

I also found that ceremony demoralizing for what it's worth. It made me not want to participate next year. At least you're finished! Congratulations again.
and sorry about the poo. yuck.

10:05 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Sorry about the super awful job market, but major congrats on your PhD!

8:22 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Those ceremonies end up being nothing but offensive. They take credit for your successes, but act like you're all on your own when something bad happens. They act like the master's degree is garbage. Hell, they act like the PhD is garbage. Screw them.

4:28 PM  

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