Tuesday, November 02, 2004

Somewhat off topic

So, I think I may be veering away from karaoke talk for a minute here, but I just can't stand it! I am spazzing about the election. The thought of working on my paper about Mexican-origin contraceptive use is far less than enticing. I might actually go to demsem today just so that I can be doing something for a couple of hours where I can't possible be in front of the computer checking for results that haven't come in yet.

I voted this morning. I love the Gates of Heaven! Like Dorotha, I was disturbed by the lack of stickers given to voters there. I want one that reads, Kiss me, I voted. I do, however, have something to show for it being election day (in addition to the satisfaction that I voted, my blue shirt - inspired by Nina - and Eyeore earrings - a donkey, get it?): a cd. Yes, I was randomly handed a "I'm young and I will swing the vote. I'm a democrat and my vote will be counted. I'm voting and my voice will be heard" cd from the Young Voter Alliance. I was not so sure I was being counted in this demographic. I have never been offered this sticker at the farmer's market. Anyway, this cd will be my election theme music, featuring Eminem and a bunch of hip hop/R&B folks - including some that this oldie hasn't even heard of. I am so out of it. But not for long!


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