Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Super stressing

I feel like I went from being Ms. Laid-back-pants to Stressie McGee in the course of a week. Since my return from Madison, I have been overwhelmed with job market issues, diss issues (it took me hours and hours just to make the space to be able to save my data set somewhere), paper issues (JJ and I are presenting in less than a month and nothing exists), and housingmoving issues. Joshie and I are supposed to go to DC on Monday to look for a place. We went in early June or late May or something (I can't remember ANYTHING lately). Anyway, last time we were there, we were apparently ridiculously early for the apt market. Nothing was available in August. It was all June and July stuff. Fine, so we've been biding our time and now it's upon us: an actual day that Josh can go down to DC with me for a housing search. So we've been looking on craig's list and sending emails, and it is crazy-town down there. Some guy with a pretty nice place at a reasonable price (for DC) has actually had people offering to pay his last month's rent AND moving expenses just so they can get his place. What? Is that normal? It didn't seem like that was the case a month ago. I really want to puke about all of this. And then, just to make things more complicated, we have a very narrow window in which we can move. We're in Montreal for ASA until the 15th and then leave for Europe the 21st. What were we thinking? Do I even have a brain? Does it just turn off for hunks of time? So, excuse me, but I may just huddle in the corner and rock for a while. Or have a drink.

And I haven't done my homework yet for the rabbi this week (the only week I've actually had homework) and I meet with him tomorrow. Of course, he's been rather fly-headed about my conversion (didn't tell me it's not happening tomorrow until yesterday, etc.), so maybe he forgot about that too...

And, of course, you're all stress-pantses too, I know. Like Ang knows we're all tired. (She's right.) But there's nothing like a good rant.


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