Friday, May 16, 2008


We had our one-month pediatrician appointment yesterday. We learned what we already knew (for the most part, though the actual numbers make it even more dramatic): we have a giant on our hands. Eli weighed THIRTEEN POUNDS AND SEVEN OUNCES. His weight, height, and head circumference were all in the NINETY-SEVENTH PERCENTILE. Dear Lord. The pediatrician and nurse were in awe of his colossal glory.

He is also a crazy pants. He screams during many a breastfeeding session like someone is trying to kill him* but he barely made a peep when he got another Hep B shot yesterday. Seriously. He was so quiet that I didn't even know that it had happened. Cuckoo!

Here's our little giant in one of our fave outfits all ready for bed...

*We had a GLORIOUS feeding session, however, at 3:15am today. Maybe he is getting better at it/I am getting better at it and things will continue to get better...I hope!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he's the sweetest-looking baby giant i've ever seen!

10:10 PM  

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