Thursday, April 10, 2008

Still nothing.

Last night was less than pleasant. I ended up sleeping on the couch pretty much all night b/c I felt so bad about my pregnancy-induced snoring (that I hope will go away when the kid arrives!) keeping Joshie up every night. Basically, we end up taking turns on the couch these days. My cough wasn't so bad until early this morning, but then, when it started calming down, Eli decided that I wasn't allowed to have any more sleep and started beating up my internal organs. He was going so bonkers in there that I threw up in my mouth twice. (Sorry, gross, I know.) Kid, there is just not room in here for two of us anymore. Get out!!!

Also, I have a dr's appt today...PLEASE let me be dilated or SOMETHING!


Blogger AK said...

Ah yes, regurgitation. One of the truly surprising things about pregnancy.

I have also had a bit of a cough the past few days. Mostly because liquids keep going down the wrong tube. I had a very embarrassing episode at my childbirth class the other night, in which I choked on a sip of tea and had to spit it out all over myself. Nathan is convinced it is a sign of impending labor, because, like a dilating cervix, my windpipe seems to be loosening up and not keeping things out as it should. We can always hope.

Hang in there, my dear. It won't be much longer now.

12:21 PM  
Blogger Gwen said...

Ok, the number of horrifying things I'm learning about pregnancy is really starting to add up. Carey, make that baby come OUT! He's just getting too damn big in there!

5:18 PM  
Blogger Constance said...

Tell us what the doctor says! We need updates at least twice a day from now on.

6:45 PM  

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