Wednesday, June 18, 2008

No more drama

So, of course, as soon as I say that breastfeeding is going well, there has to be SOME sort of drama, right? Here's what happened: Friday at about 5am, post-feed, Josh changes Eli's diaper and notices that his poo is black. Hmmm...what does that mean? The book says, Your baby probably had an iron supplement. Um, no, he didn't. Then it says, If not, call your doctor. We fire up the computer and read that it's possibly blood in his stool. make a long story short...we finally get a dr's appt. He did have blood in his poo and is diagnosed with colitis. I am told it's probably b/c of milk protein in my diet and that I should cut dairy out. Um, I've been doing that for weeks. So then we decide maybe it's soy, which I had cut out for two weeks but then recently added back in. Of course, previously, I'd been eating milk and soy and never noticed black poo before. But who knows. So now I can't eat much of anything. Also, we cut out the probiotic supplement we'd been giving him. Josh and I are kind of convinced that he is being pissier lately b/c of that. Awesome. So it's either colitis or colic that we get to deal with. Eli's poo, however, is back to normal, we discovered at a follow-up/regular 2 month appt on Tues, so at least something is working. And his dosage of prevacid has now been doubled b/c he is even more officially a GIANT. He is now 16 lbs, 1 oz. (We were told he is the size of an average 6 month old. Dear LORD!...however, he was 16 lbs THREE oz on Friday, so now I am freaked a little that he's losing weight...I am crazy, I know!) Anyway, maybe the double prevacid is helping. He has been screaming less today - though he did a serious spitup this evening. Argh.

Also, he got 5 vaccines (only 4 shots though) on Tuesday. He was NOT happy. Poor kid! But, to make him feel better, we put him in this ridiculously cute outfit. Not sure it helped him, but it helped me!

And, here's another picture. I initially was not a fan of this outfit. I have tried to make things gender-neutral for Eli, but when people give us gifts, there's not much I can do. But, OMG, this outfit kills me. He looks so fricking cute. If he didn't hate having clothes put on him/taken off of him, I'd just play dress up with him ALL DAY!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

he really is a whole lot of cuteness! glad to hear that his poo is back to normal :)

6:18 PM  

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