Wednesday, March 08, 2006


Yep. I was rejected. Or my paper was rejected. The age of the data and sample size made it "unsuitable for publication." Or "for this publication." I refuse to look at the letter again to find out, but either way it means the same thing: Not getting published. Ouch. That took a long time for all that. Wish I had sent some craptastic early version of it to find that out rather than spending 2 million years on it before getting rejected b/c of that.

This does not bode well for the job market. I had been planning on basically giving up and assuming no one would hire me (or no academic jobs would hire me and I'd just go all non-academic), but then when I sent that out, I got inspired. I actually even have another project stirring in my head that JJ and I are thinking about working on for some Add Health conference. And now this. Crushed.

I emailed Gary and Betty to ask for advice. I hope they can work miracles.


Blogger Constance said...

Carey, it doesn't mean you're not getting it published silly! It just means it won't be published there. Where will you send it next?

3:38 PM  
Blogger Constance said...

Okay, that said, getting reviews from a journal is one of the more infuriating experiences I've had in grad school... so don't feel bad about feeling bad.

3:39 PM  
Blogger Careyoke said...

No idea. That journal was sort of scraping the bottom of the barrel anyway, or so was suggested to me. I don't know where else to send it, so I asked G and B for advice. Haven't heard back yet.

3:49 PM  
Blogger Ang said...

Gary & Betty will know what to do. Til then, try not to freak out too hard. I've heard more than the occasional story about people getting outright rejected from one journal, then an R&R from a better journal. Weird, but yeah.

Plus, there's always the "have 2-3 things submitted when you're on the market" plan of doing things. I know it's not ideal, but if it makes you feel any better, I'll be rowing that boat along with ya.

4:01 PM  
Blogger jeremy said...

I'm sure there are reasonable options. Don't get discouraged. I root for you.

7:51 PM  
Blogger Gwen said...

I had an article based on my thesis rejected because I had "not demonstrated that qualitative research was a useful method for approaching" the topic. I was crushed. I refused to look at it for 3 years. I just sent it out to another journal 2 months ago.

Things just get rejected sometimes, and some reviewers are insane (I mean, how do you respond to someone who is criticizing not your individual project, but the entire idea of doing qualitative research?). But that doesn't mean your work won't get published, or that you won't get a job! You're fantastic! And have such beautiful hair!

11:11 AM  

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