Friday, February 17, 2006


Holy crap. I am moments away from submitting my first stinking article to an actual stinking journal. I'm doing it by email so that it happens faster. I'm just waiting for the letter I sent myself to arrive so I can attach it...I know. Whatever.

But I'm spazzing. SPAZZING! I can't believe this is making me want to puke so much. I guess can't even decide when to begin counting. Is it 4-ish years? This paper once was my master's thesis, which I defended December 2001. But of course it was a course paper in spring 2001 before that. And before guessed it...a course paper in fall 2000. And it's been revised, oh, 7 gajillion times before after and between all of this. And now...out it goes into cyberspace.

What is taking so long for the document to arrive to my one email address so I can send it from school instead of gmail???

Oh lord...beep...there it is...


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so fantastic, and your article is, as well. This is just the beginning of a fantabulous professional career!

-the baby

5:41 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's awesome! Congrats, hunny-bunch.

6:09 PM  
Blogger Constance said...

Yay! I'm so pleased for you!!

7:06 PM  

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