Tara successfully deposited my diss for me on Thurs and turned in my check. So that means...the nine and a half years of pain are over! Eli and I wore Bucky Red to celebrate (see him below.) Now if I could just get a job...Speaking of, I had an interview at a very nearby school (as nearby as you can get) last Monday. I thought it went really well - except for my talk (I just had to give a sample methods mini-lesson). I swear that I sounded like that Miss USA/America contestant who referred to "the Iraq and such." Ugh. I am haunted by the idea that I sounded like a total idiot after doing so well otherwise. But...maybe I am too hard on myself...maybe not.

In Eli news...I haven't told you much about him lately. I guess the most recent big thing is that he can clap - though I can't seem to capture it on film (below is as close as it gets). Good timing! He learned it just in time to give his mama a sitting ovation for finishing her diss!! Oh, and another thing is that two teeth are coming in. These have involved more screaming than the first two and they're still not all the way through the gums yet (one in particular is taking it's sweet time).

Eli survived our trip to Madison - though he had to sleep (I mean "sleep") in bed with us b/c apparently the pack and play we borrowed was the WORST thing that could have ever happened to him EVER! No idea why he hated it so much.
Otherwise, life is weird now that I don't have to be working on the diss all the time. I am trying to catch up on everything that I've been putting off the past however many months/years. And I still can't quite shake the guilt of not doing any work. I have told myself I have off until January, but then I should try to do SOMETHING with the diss during Eli's naps. But for now...REST and FUN (as much as possible). And, just to show you an adorable outfit...here is Eli dressed to the nines for Thanksgiving (I am dressed in his drool):