Today is Eli's 10 month birthday. How time has flown! Time seems to be flying even more post-PhD-completion for me. I don't know how I feel like I have less time now that I've finished. Weird. (Could it be b/c of...Eli? No!)

So, here are some job still for me. Or Josh, as for Sept. 2009. But I have a phone interview with a school on Monday. I don't know much about the school, but we're maybe not incredibly keen on the location. But who knows? I also have a couple apps still out - including one (soon to be more) for postdocs. Please Lord, let something happen for me/Josh soon. It is scary to think that we have no source of income as of Sept. 2009. Parents, prepare your basements.
Also, I have new cute hair, but no pictures. I am sure you will adore it.
Now...what you all came for...Eli updates (here he is being coy):

Still can't crawl/pull himself up/go from lying to sitting (but is quite good with the Cheerios now). Also, still crazy. We have recently joined the Y (FREE BABYSITTING!!!), and I've been going regularly. The only problem is that Eli is not a fan of the babysitting/"Kids' Zone". He's not really a fan of anyone but me and Josh (as evidenced by the fact that my father-in-law is currently changing Eli's diaper, and he is SCREAMING like it's a second circumcision. It is not.). I have actually been paged from the workout room at the Y three times (out of about 12 Y visits) to get him out of Kids' Zone b/c he wouldn't stop screaming. So now I have to face the fact that I am totally the mom that people dread seeing approach them. I am SURE those kind Y babysitters are thinking, Ugh! I wish Eli's mom would stop being so dedicated to her health! Maybe she'll hurt herself and won't be able to come to the gym anymore. One can dream.
It's the same in our neighborhood too. Whenever I take him for a walk, he inevitably screams in the face of some neighbor trying to smile/coo at him. He scared a little 2-yr old girl in our neighborhood so much (and so often) by screaming in her face every time he saw her that the last time we bumped into her and her mom, the mom said, "Look, Lily, it's Eli. Now, remember what we talked about..." I was like, I'm SO sorry! He is a crankypants! (Though he does enjoy being held upside down/thrown in the air/etc.)

But just so I don't complain about him constantly...Eli also met two baby friends recently. One, he was obsessed with. She could stand and walk. Very impressive. She was not equally impressed with him and instead stole his toys.

The other was Mary Hatch to his George Bailey, if George Bailey were a screaming banshee.

I have no nice way to tie things up, so that is all I have to say about that. I will try not to ignore you for so long next time.