Lately I've been thinking about how in the heck to wean the kid. I have been planning to wean at about 12 months (and now have a more solid full weaning deadline of early August b/c of a conference trip). Breastfeeding just isn't that awesome to me. I'd really like to be done with it. Eli seems to have this weird relationship with it. When he's actually eating, he spends the entire time flailing around hitting me, and if there's the slightest distraction (e.g., Joshie walks by the open door of the room where I'm nursing), Eli whips his head around to see what's going on (this has been the case since he was about 4-5 months). If the boob were that great, would every tiny little thing be that distracting? But then whenever I or anyone else has tried, he won't take a cup of booby milk (and hasn't ever really enjoyed a bottle). And sometimes he seems like he wants to be on the boob forever b/c he LURVES it.
As for cups, we've tried four different kinds. I can't say he seems to prefer one over another really. He just doesn't drink a lot of anything. The other day he drank about 4 ounces of water (in the entire day) and that was a fricking miracle. So then I feel like if I tried to substitute a cup at a feeding, that would be even less fluid entering his body (b/c he wouldn't take the cup) and if I kept doing that over time, he'd die of dehydration. What do you think?
And for those of you who don't care...

Eli is now CRAWLING and pulling himself up on everything. I think it makes him a happier baby to be able to get around on his own better (see above for a good happy baby moment). This new-found independence is scary, exhausting, and yet fun. He is so into pulling himself up that the second he gets in his crib for a nap, he's standing up. Then I put him down, and he stands right back up. And repeat. And repeat. And eventually let him cry. I still feel mostly bad about that, but, then again, if I had a kid who never napped, I think that we would have serious problems.
Here is evidence of him pulling himself up on stuff...

And again...

Here he is reading one of my rejection letters...

Look! He has actually been out of our house:

And here he is...CRAWLING while carrying toys with him!

And, already climbing stairs...he has made it up those 2 steps totally on his own...yikes!

And for those of you wondering about his relationship with Mary Hatch...still the same (and, no, that isn't a spatial perception trick like what the used in LOTR to make the hobbits look smaller. They are sitting right across from each other. He is just that big.) He'll learn eventually...