I will just try to laugh
I am working on my diss data and it just took me HOURS* to correctly write the part of the program to figure out the respondents' ages at the first wave of data collection. OMG! It was like a comedy of errors in which I actually had to search through my still-not-organized bookshelves for "The Little SAS Book,"** which I stole from Elizabeth 6 years ago. Thankfully, it helped. B/c that was getting ridiculous. R-I-D-I-C-U-L-O-U-S!
Also, in other matters of the ridiculous, I got totally drunk on Saturday night. I didn't mean to, but all of a sudden I was just over the edge, and in a way that I haven't been for a LONG time (though not as bad as the barfing on the Red Shed night!!!!! NEVER AGAIN!). And I was at a party with some people Josh knows from clerking/working at a firm in DC last summer. I apparently totally made fun of a guy for saying "mikveh"*** instead of "mitzvah"**** so badly that he ran away. Seriously. I was having some sort of conversation with him and he made the mistake of confusing the terms and then I just started razzing on him in a serious way. I even called Josh over to tell him and make fun of the guy some more. And then he said, Er...I'm just going to, uh, leave, er, get another drink. And he ran away. I am such a jerk! I did not realize I was so evil. Or the evils of booze - except for the whole post-boozing serious digestive issues I always have. Also, I am a total Jew snob! I told Josh next time I see that guy I want to apologize. Of course...Josh will have to show me who he is first.
*Ok, maybe a slight exaggeration, but SERIOUSLY. It took way longer than it should have.
**BTW, why is it that I can never figure out anything from the SAS online documentation? Does it just hate me or does it hate you too?
***A mikveh is a ritual bath for purification, etc. Oftentimes people go to a mikveh before converting.
****Mitzvah is often thought to mean "good deed," but really it means "commandment" or "obligation." Some consider it a mitzvah to go to a mikveh before getting married, for example.