Eli is now one month old. Here is a picture of him in his birthday suit (almost). Notice what a chubster he is (he is on Joshie's lap, so you understand the scale better).

I am utterly exhausted. We have a new breastfeeding problem every day/week (though he certainly does not seem to be starving. See picture above). This week's problem: I seem to be overproducing milk. I think I could feed all the babies in the world. I find myself spraying milk out of me like a maniac. I have accidentally squirted Eli in the face several times during feedings. He is NOT a fan of that. I am giving him just one side at each feeding to fix the situation - and have been doing that for several days. So far, it's not helping yet, but I read it could take a week or more for it to effect milk production.
Yesterday was my first Mother's Day ever. I got a card from Joshie/Eli. It was sweet. Then we all went to CVS (a drugstore) to celebrate and bought a lot of candy. CVS is, sadly, my most common outing with baby. What I really wanted for Mother's Day was a nice breastfeeding session. I didn't get it. Maybe that will be a birthday present he gives himself today? I did, however, give myself the gift of putting Eli in a ridiculously cute hat for our outing (see pic below). I also had two lovely visitors on that Special Day. Adam brought flowers and baklava (yum!) and Monica brought us dinner (delicious Indian food!). (So far, Eli has seemed to handle the food I have eaten...So far...) Our awesome friends and family have made it so that I haven't yet had to cook anything since Eli was born. That has rocked!

We did manage a real outing with Eli this weekend. On Saturday we went to the National Sculpture Garden for a little picnic. Joshie fed Eli with a bottle (see pic below). He seems to be getting better at bottles, which is sort of sad for my poor boobs but also means that I will be able to be away from him for more than 2-3 hours at some point in the near future.

In other news, I think that I look rough enough lately that I officially should be nominated to be on What Not to Wear. Seriously. You should see my roots, the ridiculous thing my bangs are always doing, the bags under my eyes, the one pair of pants that fit me, etc. Or maybe you should be glad that you can't see all these things. But as an example, witness the first family picture we have ever taken, which, for some reason, didn't happen until just last week.

Why was I wearing that shirt? I do love Montreal (and poutine!), but come on!